Cannabis Use and Pregnancy: A Young Mother’s Perspective
Throughout each of my pregnancies, my health care providers kept asking me if I used any cannabis products. No matter what my answer, they would tell me that they wouldn’t recommend it because we don’t know enough about cannabis and pregnancy or breastfeeding.
But last week one of my friends had a baby and the hospital staff told her not to use cannabis because it stops some types of development. They scared her a bit. It was very new to hear a definite “no” about cannabis, and that it can stop this or that type of growth.
I don’t think putting that kind of fear into my friend was helpful. At the very least, the message should have been shared in a more gentle way. A way that is more respectful of someone else’s feelings. Because some of us have a lot of anxiety. It takes one wrong word in one wrong tone to trigger that anxiety.
And there are some health care providers who say the amount of THC that can actually get transferred to a baby is minimal.
People have asked me in the past what I think about cannabis and pregnancy. I told them it was up to them. I said, “If you feel safe doing it, go for it. Be in tune with your body. Be mindful of how much and how often you’re using. ”
I cut down on my cannabis use through counseling and therapy. Now that I know how to calm myself down, I don’t feel like I need to use so much. It took time to find the right person to help with my cannabis use. It’s worth it, though, if you want to break cycles, like alcohol problems, abuse, and things like that. Seeing a counselor also shows my kids that you can benefit from getting that kind of help.
If I want my kids to have better, I have to do better. That’s why I cut down on junk food and dairy products, and I drink water instead of soft drinks. I’m being more careful about everything I’m consuming by being more in tune with my body and listening to what it needs and doesn’t need.
I want, I will, I can.
Aggie, 24, young mother
British Columbia